Стиль основ. форума.
/* AiriSun, september 2014 -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /************************************************************* A - SETUP **************************************************************/ /* A1 Import the colour scheme -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* A1.1 */ @import url(style_cs.css); @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lobster&subset=latin,cyrillic); @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Marck+Script&subset=latin,cyrillic); @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Comfortaa&subset=latin,cyrillic); @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Philosopher&subset=latin,cyrillic); @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Neucha&subset=latin,cyrillic); @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=EB+Garamond&subset=latin,cyrillic); @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Oranienbaum&subset=latin,cyrillic); @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Bad+Script&subset=latin,cyrillic); @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lora&subset=latin,cyrillic); @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Didact+Gothic&subset=latin,cyrillic); @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Poiret+One&subset=latin,cyrillic); @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Underdog&subset=latin,cyrillic); @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Playfair+Display+SC&subset=latin,cyrillic); @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Forum&subset=latin,cyrillic); .iclosed { opacity: 0.7; } /* A2 Deal with browser defaults and wonkiness -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* A2.1 */ html, body {margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow-x: hidden} html { background: url("https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/83780.png") center top repeat-y, url("https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/19155.jpg") center top repeat #4d4252; } body { background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/89588.png) no-repeat top center, url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/13296.jpg) repeat-x top center; } /* A2.2 */ .punbb * { margin: 0; font-size: 101.87%; } /* A2.3 */ .punbb ul, .punbb dl, .punbb li, .punbb dd, .punbb dt { padding: 0; list-style: none; } /* A2.4 */ .punbb img { border:none } /* A2.5 */ .punbb .main table { table-layout: fixed; width: 100%; } /* A2.6 */ .checkfield input[type="checkbox"], .radiofield input[type="radio"] {margin: 0 0.3em;} /* A2.7 */ p[class="checkfield"] *, div[class="checkfield"] *, fieldset[class="radiofield"] * { height: 1.8em; vertical-align: middle } /* A3 Text setup -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* A3.1 */ body { font-size: 101.01%; } /* A3.2 */ .punbb { font: normal 68.75% verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } /* 3.3 */ .punbb textarea, .punbb input, .punbb select, .punbb optgroup { font: 1em verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif } /* A3.4 */ .punbb h1, .punbb h2, .punbb h3 { font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold; } /* A3.5 Напишите ваше сообщение и нажмите отправить*/ .punbb h1 span, .punbb h2 span, .punbb legend span { font-size: 1.2em; text-align: center; margin-top: 40px; } /* A3.6 */ .punbb pre { font: 1.1em/140% "times new roman", monaco, "bitstream vera sans mono", "courier new", courier, monospace } /* A3.7 */ .punbb address, .punbb em { font-style: normal } /* A3.8 */ .punbb .post-content em { font-style: italic } /* A3.9 */ .punbb .post-content em.bbuline { font-style: normal; text-decoration: underline; } /* A3.10 */ .punbb a { text-decoration: none!important; } /* A3.11 */ .punbb optgroup { font-weight: bold; } /* A4 Float clearing and hidden items -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* A4.1 */ #pun:after, .punbb .container:after, .punbb .post-links ul:after, .punbb .main div.inline:after, .punbb .post-box:after, .punbb .linksb:after { clear: both; content: "."; display: block; height: 0; visibility: hidden; overflow:hidden; line-height: 0.0; font-size: 0; } /* A4.2 */ .acchide, #pun-index #pun-main h1, #pun-navlinks h2, #pun-pagelinks h2, #pun-status h2, #pun-ulinks h2, .punbb .forum h2, .punbb .multipage .topic h2, .punbb dl.post-sig dt span, .punbb p.crumbs strong, .punbb .divider hr, .punbb .required label em, .punbb .formsubmit label, .punbb .submitfield label, .punbb .modmenu label, #pun-userlist .main h2 { font-size: 0; height: 0; width: 0; line-height: 0.0; position:absolute; left: -9999px; overflow: hidden } /* A5 Basic page layout and borders -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* A5.1 */ #pun { margin: auto auto auto auto; width : 1070px; } /* A5.2 */ .punbb { float: center; width: 100%; height: auto; } /* A5.3 */ #pun-redirect, #pun-maint { position: absolute; top: 0px } #pun-redirect { position: absolute!important; top: 0px!important; height: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; left: -35px!important; } /* A5.4 */ .punbb .section, .punbb .main { margin-bottom: 1em; } /* A5.5 */ .punbb .category, .punbb .post { margin-top: 0.4em; } /* A5.6 */ .punbb #pun-category1, .punbb .toppost, .punbb .topicpost { margin-top: 0; } /* 5.7 */ #pun-post .topic { margin-top: 1em; } /* A5.8 */ .punbb .section, .punbb .forum, .punbb .formal, .punbb .modmenu, .punbb .info, .punbb .category, .punbb .post { border-style: none none solid none; border-width: 0px 0px 2px 0px } /* A5.9 */ .punbb .container { border: none; } /* A5.10 */ .punbb .section h2, #pun-main h1, #pun-main h2, #pun-stats h2, #pun-debug h2 { padding: 0.5em 1em; border-style: none solid solid none; border-width: 0 0px 0px 0; } /************************************************************* B - MAIN CONTENT - GENERAL **************************************************************/ /* B1 Parsed Content, Signatures and Scroll Boxes -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* B1.1 */ .punbb .post-content { padding: 0; margin: 0; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; border: none; } /* B1.2 Полоса подписи*/ .punbb .post-sig dt { display: block; border: none; width: auto; margin: 5px 0; } /* B1.3 */ .punbb .post-content p { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 1em 0; line-height: 150%; } /* B1.4 */ .punbb .post-content img { vertical-align: text-bottom } /* B1.5 */ .punbb .post-content img.postimg { vertical-align: middle; } /* B1.6 */ .punbb .post-content .blockcode, .punbb .post-content blockquote { width: 100%; overflow: hidden; } /* B1.7 */ .punbb .post-content .scrollbox { width: 100%; overflow: auto; } /* B1.8 */ .punbb .post-content .quote-box, .punbb .post-content .code-box { margin: 0.3em 2.4em 1.2em 2.4em; padding: 1em; } /* B1.9 */ .punbb .quote-box cite, .punbb .code-box strong.legend { display: block; padding-bottom: 0.7em; font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; margin: 0; } /* B2 Information boxes -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* B2.1 */ .punbb .info-box { padding: 1.1em 1.7em 1em 1.7em; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; margin: 0 0 1.1em 0; } /* B2.2 */ .punbb .info-box * { padding: 0 0 0.7em 0; } /* B2.3 */ .punbb #pun-main .info-box .legend { font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: bold; } /* B3 Pagination and posting links -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* B3.1 */ .punbb .linkst { float: left; position: relative; width: 100%; font-size: 1.1em; height: 0; } /* B3.2 */ .multipage { margin-top: 3em; } /* B3.3 Номер страницы*/ .linkst .pagelink { position: absolute; top: -8.1em; left: 1em; width: 24em; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold; color: #231b26; } /* B3.4 Ответить вверху*/ .linkst .postlink { position: absolute; top: -6.8em; right: 1em; width: 16em; text-align: right; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12pt; } /* B3.5 */ .punbb .linksb { text-align: right; padding: 0.4em 1em 0.5em 1em; font-size: 1.1em; } /* B3.6 Номер страницы снизу*/ .linksb .pagelink { float: left; width: 24em; text-align: left; margin-top: 10px; color: #231b26; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: 1px -1px 1px rgba(239,175,89,0.9); } /* B3.7 */ .linksb .postlink { float: right; width: 16em; font-weight: bold } /* B3.8 */ .subscribelink { clear:both; padding-top: 0.3em; padding-bottom: 0.5em; } /************************************************************* C - MAIN CONTENT - SPECIFIC **************************************************************/ /* C1 Form layout -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* C1.1 */ .punbb .formal .container { padding: 1.7em 2.3em 1.1em 2.3em; } /* C1.2 */ .punbb .formsubmit { padding: 0 0 0 1.7em; margin: 1em 0 0 0; } /* C1.3 */ .punbb .formsubmit input, .punbb .formsubmit a, .punbb .formsubmit span { margin: 0 0.6em 0 0 } /* C1.4 */ .punbb fieldset { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; padding: 0 18px 0 18px; margin: 0 0 1em 0 } /* C1.5 */ .punbb fieldset legend { padding: 0; margin: 0 0 0 11px; font-size: 1.1em } /* C1.6 */ .punbb fieldset legend span { padding: 0 5px; margin: 0 0 0 -15px; } /* C1.7 */ .punbb fieldset fieldset { border-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0 0 8px 0 } /* C1.8 */ .punbb .fs-box { padding: 1em 0 0.8em 0; background: rgba(245, 147, 107, 0.3); box-shadow:inset 2px 2px 30px #e1a554; } /* C1.9 */ .punbb .fs-box p, .punbb .fs-box fieldset { padding: 0 0 0.8em 0 } /* C1.10 */ .punbb .inline .inputfield, .punbb .inline .selectfield, .punbb .inline .passfield { float: left; margin-right: 1em; } /* C1.11 */ .punbb .inline .infofield { clear:both } /* C1.12 */ .punbb .datafield br { display: none } /* C1.13 */ .punbb .required label, .punbb .datafield span.input { font-weight: bold } /* C1.14 */ .punbb .datafield span.input a { font-weight: normal; } /* C1.15 */ .punbb .areafield span.input, .punbb p.longinput span.input { display: block; padding: 0 12em 0 0; height: 100%; /* For IE */ } /* C1.16 Быстрый Ответ*/ .punbb textarea, .punbb .longinput input { width: 64%; margin: 0; background-image: url("https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/58357.png"); border: 2px solid #ebab55; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 10px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 10px; border-bottom-left-radius: 10px; border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; box-shadow:inset 2px 2px 14px #f18153; } /* C1.17 */ .punbb .hashelp { position: relative; } /* C1.18 */ .punbb .helplinks { display: block; position: absolute; top: 1em; right: 0; font-weight: normal; width: 36%; } /* c1.19 */ .punbb #profile .helplinks { top: 1.5em; } /* C1.20 */ .punbb .helplinks span { display: block; padding-bottom: 0.2em; } /* C1.21 */ #pun-post .formal .info-box li { padding-left: 4px; list-style-type: square; list-style-position: inside; line-height: 1.5; margin: 0; } /* C2 Table layout -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* C2.1 */ .punbb .main .tcl { text-align: left; width: 50%; } /* C2.2 */ .punbb .main .tc2, .punbb .main .tc3, .punbb .main .tcmod { text-align: center; width: 10%; } /* C2.3 Шрифт даты на главной*/ .punbb .main .tcr { overflow: hidden; text-align: left; width: 30%; } /* C2.4 */ #pun-userlist .main .tcl, #pun-searchtopics .main .tcl, #pun-modviewforum .main .tcl { width: 40% } /* C2.5 */ #pun-userlist .main .tc2, #pun-searchtopics .main .tc2 { text-align: center; width: 20%; } /* C2.6 */ #pun-debug table .tcl { width: 15%; white-space:normal; } /* C2.7 */ #pun-debug .tcr { width: 90%; white-space: normal; } /* C2.8 */ #pun-index .tcl h3 { font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold; } /* C2.9 */ .punbb td span.youposted { font-weight: bold; margin-left: -1em; position: absolute; } /* C2.10 */ .punbb td .modlist { display: block; padding-top: 0.3em } /* C2.11 */ .punbb .main td { border: none; padding: 0.8em 1em; } /* C2.12 Строка Форум - Тем - Сообщений - Последнее сообщение */ .punbb .main th { border-style: none none none solid; border-width: 0 0 0 1px; padding: 0.4em 1.4em 0.4em 1.4em; text-shadow: 1px -1px 1px rgba(239,175,89,0.9); color: #231b26; font: small-caps 700 8pt "Arial Narrow" !important; } /* C2.13 */ .punbb .main .tcl { border-left-style: none; border-left-width: 0; } /* C2.14 */ .punbb td div.tclcon { margin-left: 5px; } /* C2.15 */ .punbb div.icon { float: left; display: block; } /* C3 Topics -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* C3.1 Поле профиля под аватаром*/ .punbb .post .container { margin-top: -1px; padding-bottom: 1px; border-color: #e2a554; border-width: 3.3px; border-left-style: dashed; border-right-style: dashed; } #pun-main .post .container { box-shadow:inset 2px 2px 13px #f18153; background: rgba(225, 188, 154, 0.3); } /* C3.2 Полоса над авиком*/ .punbb .post h3 span, .punbb .post h3 { padding: 0em 0em; display: block; border-left-style: none; border-left-width: 0; font-weight: bold; background: rgba(225, 188, 154, 0.4); } /* C3.3 Полоса на дате */ .punbb .post h3 span { padding: 0.5em 1em; display: block; margin-left: 262px; margin-top: -5px; text-align: center; background: rgba(225, 188, 154, 0.2); } /* C3.4 Номер сообщения*/ .punbb .post h3 strong { float: right; width: 5em; text-align: right; font-weight: normal; } /* C3.5 Информация об авторе*/ .punbb .post .post-author { float: left; width: 230px; text-align: center; margin-left: 10px !important; } /* C3.6 */ .punbb .post .post-author ul, .punbb .post .post-author p { padding: 0 1em 1em 1em; line-height: 140%; } /* C3.7 */ .pa-author { font-size: 1.1em; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: 1px -1px 1px rgba(239,175,89,0.9); } /* C3.8 */ .pa-author a { text-decoration: none font-size: 1.1em; text-shadow: 1px -1px 1px rgba(239,175,89,0.9); } /* C3.9 Статус*/ li.pa-title { text-shadow: 1px -1px 1px rgba(239,175,89,0.9); padding-bottom: 0.4em; } li.pa-online { line-height: 0.8em; font-weight: normal padding-left: 0.4em; margin-top: 0.7em; color: #231b26; font-family: "Playfair Display SC" !important; text-shadow: 1px -1px 1px rgba(239,175,89,0.9); font-size: 12.7px; } /* C3.11 Текст и фон на форуме */ .punbb .post-body { margin-left: 20em; border-left-style: solid; border-left-width: 1px; padding: 0 0 1px 0; font-size: 13px; text-align: justify; box-shadow:inset 2px 2px 8px #f18153; background-image: url("https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/58357.png"); } /* C3.12 */ .punbb .post-box { padding: 1em; } /*C3.13 */ .punbb fieldset .post-box { margin-bottom: 0.8em } /* C3.14 */ .punbb .post-links { margin-left: 19em; border-left-style: solid; border-left-width: 1px; } /* C3.15 Полоса с ссылками под сообщениями*/ .punbb .post-links ul { padding: 0 1em 0 0; height: 2em; line-height: 2em; border-top-width: 1px; background: transparent; text-align: right; background: rgba(225, 188, 154, 0.2); margin-left: -18.8em; border-color: #edae5a; border-width: 3.3px; border-bottom-style: dashed; } /* C3.16 Ссылки под сообщением (ЛС, Удалить, Редактировать, Пофиль и т.д.)*/ .punbb .post-links li { display: inline; padding-left: 1em; } /* C3.17 */ .pl-email, .pl-website { float: left; } /* C3.18 */ .punbb .clearer { clear: both; height: 0; font-size: 0; } /* C4 Moderator menu -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* C4.1 */ .punbb .modmenu .container { padding: 0.5em 1em; text-align: right; } /* C4.2 */ .punbb .modmenu strong, .punbb .modmenu a { height: 2.8em; line-height: 1.8em; } /* C4.3 */ .punbb .modmenu .container strong { float: left; } /* C4.4 */ .punbb .modmenu input { margin-left: 1em; } /* C5 Message boxes -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* C5.1 */ .punbb .info .container { padding: 0.8em 1em } /* C5.2 */ .punbb .info .container .backlink { padding-top: 0.8em; } /* C6 Profile -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* C6.1 */ #profile .container { padding-left: 18.6em; } /* C6.2 */ #profilenav { float: left; width: 14em; margin-left: -16.3em; display: inline; } /* C6.3 Меню ссылок для навигации по профилю*/ #profilenav li { padding-bottom: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; background: rgba(245, 147, 107, 0.3); } /* C6.4 */ #viewprofile ul, #profilenav ul { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; padding: 1.5em 18px 0.8em 18px; margin: 0 0 1em 0; box-shadow:inset 2px 2px 38px #e1a554; } /* C6.5 */ #viewprofile h2, #profilenav h2 { background: transparent; border: none; padding: 0 0 0 0; margin: 0 14px -0.6em 14px; } /* C6.6 */ #viewprofile h2 span, #profilenav h2 span { padding: 0 5px; position: relative; background: rgba(245, 147, 107, 0.4); } /* C6.7 */ #viewprofile li, #setmods dl { padding: 0 0 0 16em; margin-bottom: 0.2em; } /* C6.8 */ #viewprofile li span { float: left; width: 14em; margin-left: -16em; padding: 0.5em 1em; font-weight: bold; } /*C6.9 */ #setmods dt { float: left; width: 14em; margin-left: -16em; padding: 0.8em 1em; font-weight: bold; display: inline; } /* C6.10 */ #viewprofile li strong, #viewprofile li div, #setmods dd { display: block; padding: 0.5em 1em; font-weight: normal; } /* C6.11 */ .punbb img.avatardemo { float: right; margin: 0 0 0.8em 1.8em } /* C7 User list -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* C7.1 */ #pun-userlist .formal, #pun-userlist .formal .container { border-bottom: none; margin-bottom: 0; } /* C7.2 */ #pun-userlist .usertable .container { padding: 0 2.3em 2.3em 2.3em; border-top: none; } /* C7.3 */ #pun-userlist .usertable table { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; } /************************************************************* D - PUNBB SECTIONS OTHER THAN MAIN CONTENT **************************************************************/ /* D1 Logo and description -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D1.1 */ #pun-title { border-style: solid solid none solid; border-width: 0px 0px 0 0px; width: 100%; right: 0px; } /* D1.2 */ #pun-title h1 { display : block; height : 40px; padding: 2em 1em 0 1em; } /* D1.3 */ #pun-title .container { border-style: none solid none solid; } /* D1.4 */ #pun-title h1 span { font-size: 1.5em; } #pun-title table { border: none; height: 40px; width: 100%; } #pun-title td.title-logo-tdl { border: none; width: 100%; } #pun-title td.title-logo-tdr { position: absolute; top: 200px; margin-left: 1045px; } /* D2 Page navigation -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D2.1 */ #pun-pagelinks { position: absolute; top: -15px; left: 0; margin: 0; border: none; padding: 0; width: 100%; } /* D2.2 */ #pun-pagelinks .container { background: transparent; border: none; padding: 0} /* D2.3 */ #pun-pagelinks .container li { display: inline } /* D2.4 */ #pun-pagelinks li a, #pun-pagelinks a:link, #pun-pagelinks a:hover { height: 2em; line-height: 2em; padding: 0; font-size: 1.0em; margin-left: -9999px; display: block; float:left; width: 100%; } /* D2.5 */ #pun-pagelinks a:active, #pun-pagelinks a:focus { position:relative; margin: 0; } #pun-pagelinks li a span { display:block; margin: 0 1em } /* D3 Forum navigation -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D3.1 Двигаем Форум Участники*/ #pun-navlinks, #pun-navlinks .container { margin : -378px 0 0 -480px; float : left; } /* D3.2 Положение Форум Участники*/ #pun-navlinks .container { top: 500px; left: 0px; text-align: center; width: 100%; position: absolute; border: none; padding : 0.3em 0.3em 0.3em 0.5em; } /* D3.3 Расстояние между кнопками*/ #pun-navlinks li { height: 38px; z-index: 200; display: block; } /* D3.4 */ #pun-navlinks li a { color: #ff974e!important; font: small-caps 700 10.8pt "Playfair Display SC" !important; text-shadow: 0px 1px 2px rgba(253,202,88,0.8); font-weigth: bold; } #pun-navlinks.section {border-style: none; } /* D4 User links -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D4.1 */ #pun-ulinks { width: 1130px; background: url("https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/81741.png") no-repeat scroll center top transparent; text-align: center; margin-left: -29.5px; margin-right: -10px; margin-top: 550px; height: 142px; moz-background-size:100% 100%; o-background-size:100% 100%; webkit-background-size:100% 100%; khtml-background-size:100% 100%; background-size:100% 100%; } /* D4.2 */ #pun-ulinks .container { border-top: none; padding: 0.7em 1em; padding-top: 90px; font: small-caps 700 9pt "Book Antiqua" !important; text-align: center; } /* D4.3 */ #pun-ulinks li, #pun-ulinks li a { display: inline; border-left-style: solid; border-left-width: 1px; white-space: nowrap; } /* D4.4 */ #pun-ulinks li a { padding: 0 0.3em 0 0.6em } /* D4.5 */ #pun-ulinks li.item1, #pun-ulinks li.item1 a { border-left-style: none; border-left-width: 0; padding-left: 0 } /* D5 Блок приветствия -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D5.1 */ #pun-status, #pun-status .container { border-bottom: none; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: -30px; text-shadow: 1px -1px 1px rgba(239,175,89,0.9); } /* D5.2 Расстояние от объявы до названия форума*/ #pun-status .container { padding: 0.8em 1em 1em 1em; } /* D5.3 */ #pun-status span { white-space: nowrap; margin-right: 0.5em; } /* D5.4 */ #pun-crumbs1 { font-weight: bold; overflow: hidden; margin-top: 0; } /* D5.4 Название форума*/ #pun-crumbs1 p.container { border-top: none; padding: 1em 1em 0.8em 1em; font-size: 1.3em; text-shadow: 1px -1px 1px rgba(239,175,89,0.9); font-family: Playfair Display SC; text-align: center; } /* D5.6 */ #pun-break1 { margin: 0 1em; border-style: solid none; border-width: 1px 0; height: 0; margin: -2px 1em; position: relative; z-index: 1; } /* D6 Announcement -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D6.1 */ #pun-announcement h2 { padding: 0; margin: 0 1em -3.5em 1em; border-style: none none solid none; border-width: 0 0 1px 0; position: relative; font-weight: bold; } /* D6.2 */ #pun-announcement h2 span { display: none; padding: 1em 0 0.8em 0; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px; } /* D6.3 */ #pun-announcement .container { padding: 0.6em 1em 1em 1em; } /* D7 Statistics -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D7.1 */ #pun-stats .container { padding: 0.8em 1em } /* D7.2 */ #pun-stats li.item1 { float: left; clear: both; line-height: 150%; } #pun-stats li.item2 { text-align: right; line-height: 150%; } /* D7.3 */ #pun-stats li.item3, #pun-stats li.item4 { text-align: right; line-height: 150%; } /* D7.4 */ li#onlinelist { border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1px; width: 100%; line-height: 100%; padding-left: -60px; margin-top: 17px; text-align: center; } /* D7.5 */ li#onlinelist div { border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1px; padding: 0.5em 8em 0 0em; text-align: center; } /* D8 Quick Jump - About - Bottom Breadcrumbs -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D8.1 */ #pun-qjump { margin: 0; border: none; width: 50%; position: relative; float: left; } /* D8.2 */ #pun-qjump .container { border: none; padding: 0.8em 1em; } /* D8.3 */ #pun-about { margin-top: 0; } /* D8.4 Нижние ссылки по центру*/ #pun-about .container { border-top-style: none; text-align: center; line-height: 150%; padding: 0.8em 1em; } /* D8.5 */ #pun-about p span { display:block; padding-left: 50%; } /* D8.6 */ #pun-crumbs2 { font-weight: bold; overflow: hidden; margin-bottom: 0; border-bottom: none; } /* D8.7 Нижнее название форума*/ #pun-crumbs2 .container { border-bottom: none; padding: 0.8em 1em; font-size: 1.2em; text-align: center; text-shadow: 1px -1px 1px rgba(239,175,89,0.9); font-family: Playfair Display SC; } /* D8.8 */ #pun-break4 { margin: -2px 1em; border-style: solid none; border-width: 1px 0; position: relative; height: 0; z-index: 1; } /* D8.9 */ div.punbb-admin #pun-about .container { border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1px; } /* D9 Help file -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D9.1 */ #pun-help .formal .info-box h3.legend { border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px; padding-bottom: 0; margin-bottom: 0.8em; } /* D9.2 */ #pun-help .formal .info-box h3.legend span { padding-bottom: 0.6em; display: block; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px; font-size: 1.1em; } /* D9.3 */ #pun-help .formal p, #pun-help .formal dd { margin-bottom: 1em } /* D9.4 */ #pun-help .formal ul, #pun-help .formal dl { padding: 0 0 0 1em } /* D9.5 */ #pun-help .formal li { padding: 0; line-height: 130% } /* D9.6 */ #pun-help .formal li * { vertical-align: text-top } /* D9.7 */ #pun-help .formal dt span { font: 1.4em/120% monaco, "bitstream vera sans mono", "courier new", courier, monospace } /* D9.8 */ #pun-help .formal .parsedmsg, #pun-help .formal .parsedmsg .incode { padding-bottom: 0; } /* E10 Иконки сообщений -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* E10.1 */ .punbb table Div.icon { float: left; display: block; width: 69px; height: 52px; border-style: none; background-image: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/12513.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; position: relative; margin-right: 9px; } /* E10.2 */ TR.inew Div.icon { background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/74433.png) no-repeat; position: relative; margin-left: 1px; } /* E10.3 */ TR.isticky Div.icon { background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/61092.png) no-repeat; position: relative; margin-left: 1px; } /* E10.4 */ TR.iclosed Div.icon { background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/47694.png) no -repeat; position: relative; margin-left: 1px; } #pun-stats ul.container { background-image: url("https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/71856.png"); background-attachment: scroll; background-clip: border-box; background-color: transparent; background-origin: padding-box; background-position: 10px 10px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: auto; padding-left: 95px; padding-top: 15px;} /* E11 Навигация -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* E11.1 */ .navl { position: absolute; margin-left: 957px; margin-top: 80px; } .navl li { width: 235px; margin-top: 10px; } .navl li a { background: rgba(253,202,88,0.17); display: block; height: 28px; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 44px; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #4c4151 !important; font-size: 14px !important; font-family: Playfair Display SC; text-align: center; opacity: 0.5 font-weight: normal !important; color: #fdca57 !important; -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-out; -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-out; -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-out; transition: all 0.5s ease-out; } /* E11.2 */ .navl li a .ol { position: absolute; height: 24px; width: 24px; background:rgba(253,202,88,0.24); margin-top: -2px; margin-left: -61px; -webkit-border-radius: 70%; -moz-border-radius: 70%; border-radius: 70%; } .navl li span img { position: absolute; height: 0; width: 0; margin-top: 50%; margin-left: 50%; -webkit-border-radius: 70%; -moz-border-radius: 70%; border-radius: 70%; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 0px rgba(253,202,88,0.33); -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 0px rgba(253,202,88,0.33); box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 0px rgba(253,202,88,0.33); -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-out; -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-out; -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-out; transition: all 0.5s ease-out; } .navl li a:hover { background: rgba(201,65,64,0.62); padding-left: 55px; } /* E11.3 */ .navl li a:hover span img { height: 55px !important; width: 55px !important; margin-top: -70%; margin-left: -70%; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 4px rgba(253,202,88,0.24); 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/* CS1 Background and text colours -------------------------------------------------------------*/ } #pun-live-rusff { display: none } /* CS1.1 */ .punbb .section .container, .punbb .post-body, .punbb .post-links, .punbb td.tc2, .punbb td.tc3, .punbb .formal fieldset .post-box, #viewprofile li strong, #viewprofile li div, #setmods dd, .punbb .info-box, .punbb #pun-main .info-box .legend { color: #231b26; } /* CS1.2 */ .punbb .main .container, .punbb .post .container, .punbb .post h3, .punbb-admin #pun-admain .adcontainer { color: #231b26; } /* CS1.3 Категории*/ #pun-stats h2, .punbb .main h1, .punbb .main h2, #pun-debug h2, .punbb-admin #pun-admain h2 { text-align: center; color: transparent; font: small-caps 700 6.5pt "Playfair Display SC" !important; } /* CS1.4 */ #pun-title, #pun-title .container, .punbb .modmenu .container { } /* CS1.5 */ .punbb legend span, #viewprofile h2 span, #profilenav h2 span, .punbb-admin #pun-admain legend span { font-size: 11pt; } /* CS1.6 */ .punbb .post h3 span, .punbb th, #viewprofile li, #setmods dl { } /* CS1.7 */ .punbb .quote-box, .punbb .code-box { background-color: #222; color: #231b26; padding: 12px!important; } #pun-viewtopic #post-form .formsubmit { text-align: center; margin-top: 20px; color: #231b26; } /* CS1.8 */ #pun-navlinks .container { color: #231b26; } .offline li.pa-online strong { font-weight: normal } .punbb input { } .punbb input:hover { } .button:hover { } .punbb input:active, .punbb input:focus { } .punbb .button { cursor: pointer; } /* CS2 Border colours -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CS2.1 */ .punbb .container, .punbb .post-body, .post h3, #pun-title { border-color: transparent; } /* CS2.2 */ .punbb .section, .punbb .forum, .punbb .formal, .punbb .modmenu, .punbb .info, .punbb .category, .punbb .post { border-color: transparent; } /* CS2.3 */ #pun-stats h2, .punbb .main h1, .punbb .main h2, #pun-debug h2, .punbb-admin #pun-admain h2 { border-color: transparent; } /* CS2.4 */ .punbb td, .punbb fieldset, #viewprofile ul, #profilenav ul, .punbb .post .post-body, .punbb .post h3 span, .post-links ul, .post-links, .usertable table { border-color: transparent; } /* CS2.5 */ .punbb th { border-color: transparent; } /* CS2.6 */ .punbb .quote-box, .punbb .code-box { background: rgba(236, 147, 103, 0.4); border: 2.4px dashed #edae5a; box-shadow:inset 2px 2px 6px #f18153; } #pun-ulinks li, #pun-announcement h2 span, li#onlinelist, #pun-help .formal .info-box h3.legend span { border-color: transparent; } #pun-ulinks li a, #pun-announcement h2, li#onlinelist div, #pun-help .formal .info-box h3.legend { border-color: transparent; } .punbb .divider { border-color: transparent; } .punbb .formal fieldset .post-box, .punbb .info-box { border: transparent; } li.pa-online { border-left-color: #bcc58c; } .punbb .post-sig dt { border-top-color: transparent; } /* CS3 Links -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CS3.1 */ .punbb a, .punbb a:link, .punbb a:visited, .punbb-admin #pun-admain a, .punbb-admin #pun-admain a:link, .punbb-admin #punbb-admain a:visited { color: #b7583f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: Sandybrown 1px 1px 0, Sandybrown -1px -1px 0, Sandybrown -1px 1px 0, Sandybrown 1px -1px 0; font: small-caps 700 11.6pt "Playfair Display SC" !important; } .punbb li.isactive a, .punbb li.isactive a:link, .punbb li.isactive a:visited { color: #c94140; } /* CS3.2 */ .punbb a:hover, .punbb a:focus, .punbb a:active, .punbb-admin #pun-admain .nodefault, .punbb-admin #punbb-admain a:hover, .punbb-admin #punbb-admain a:focus, .punbb-admin #punbb-admain a:active { color: #c94140; } /* CS3.3 */ #pun-navlinks a { color: #e3a653; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #3c343f; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: normal; font-size: 100%; } /* CS3.4 */ #pun-navlinks a:hover, #pun-navlinks a:focus, #pun-navlinks a:active { color: #e3a653; text-shadow: 1px 1px 16px #f1ce58; text-decoration: none; -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease; -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease; -o-transition: all 0.5s ease; transition: all 0.5s ease; } #pun-pagelinks a:active, #pun-pagelinks a:focus { background-color: #524556; color: #fff; } /* CS ДОПОЛНЕНИЯ -------------------------------------------------------------*/ #navawards { display: none!important; } /* Пользовательские ссылки */ #pun-ulinks, #pun-ulinks .container, #pun-ulinks li, #pun-ulinks li a, #pun-ulinks li a {color: #231b26 !important; text-align: center; font: small-caps 700 10.5pt "Arial Narrow" !important; text-shadow: 1px -1px 1px rgba(239,175,89,0.9); } #pun-main #post-form h2, #pun-main h1, #pun-debug h2 { text-align: center; font: small-caps 700 12pt "Playfair Display SC" !important; color: #ff974e; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: 0px -1px 0px rgba(253,202,88,0.7); background-repeat : no-repeat; background-position: top center; border: none; border-color: transparent; background-image: url("https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/67390.png"); width: 1130px; height: 60px; margin-left: -45px; text-align: center; padding-top: 15px !important; } /* Стиль верха быстрого ответа*/ #form-buttons { background: #e2ba9b!important; border: 2px dashed #f18153!important; text-shadow: 0px 1px 0px #ea7c6c!important; color: #f18153!important; margin-left: 7px; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 3px #e2ba9b!important; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 3px #e2ba9b!important; box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 3px#e2ba9b!important; box-shadow:inset 2px 2px 7px #e2ba9b; } /* Цвет кнопок на форуме*/ .punbb legend span, #viewprofile h2 span, #profilenav h2 span, .punbb-admin #pun-admain legend span, #pun-title, #pun-title .container, .punbb .modmenu .container, .punbb-admin #pun-admain .adcontainer, .punbb .section .container, .punbb .post-body, .punbb .post-links, .punbb td.tc2, .punbb td.tc3, .punbb .formal fieldset .post-box, #viewprofile li strong, #viewprofile li div, #setmods dd, .punbb .info-box, .punbb #pun-main .info-box .legend, .punbb th, #viewprofile li, #setmods dl, .punbb textarea, .punbb select, .punbb input {background-color: transparent; color: #18130c; } .spoiler-box div:first-child, .quote-box cite { font-family: 'Playfair Display SC'!important; font-size: 1em!important; } /*Профиль*/ .pa-fld1 {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/22970.png) repeat-x top center; height: 45px; margin-top: 12px !important; width: 259px; margin-left: -23px !important} .pa-title { text-align: center; z-index: 1000; font: small-caps 700; font-family: "Bad Script" !important; font-size: 14px !important; width: 210px; background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/42751.png) repeat-x top center; padding-top: 12px !important; margin-left: -5px !important text-shadow: 1px -1px 1px rgba(239,175,89,0.9); } .pa-author {font-weight: bold !important; font: small-caps; font-family: "Playfair Display SC" !important; font-size: 16.7px !important; width: 220px; text-align: center; margin-left: 0px !important; font-weight: normal; padding-top: 5px !important; padding-bottom: 5px !important; margin-left: -3px !important; text-decoration: none; } .punbb .post .post-author {text-align: center; margin-left: -6px !important; } /*кнопки вверх-вниз*/ #butsupdown { position: fixed; bottom: 15%; right: 15px; background: url("https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/58439.png") 0px 0px no-repeat transparent; height: 90px; width: 55px; } #buttonup {position: absolute; height: 50px; width: 35px; } #buttondown {position: absolute; height: 50px; width: 35px; bottom: 0px;} #butsupdown span, #butsupdown a {color: transparent !important;} /* Настройки профиля -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CS1.1 */ #profile-right{ -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -khtml-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; border: 1px solid #d5c8ae!important; border-top: 1px solid #ffffff!important; background-image : url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/58357.png); z-index: 100; } /* CS1.2 */ #profile-name { z-index: 200; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -khtml-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; border: 1px solid #d5c8ae; border-top: 1px solid #ffffff; background-image : url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/58357.png); margin-top: 10px; margin-right: -10px; } #profile-name strong:before { content: "Персональные данные: " } /* CS1.3 */ #profile-title {margin-top: 16px;} /* CS1.4 */ #profile-right li { border-bottom: 1.6px dashed #ef7f51; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 1px; } /*отредактировано*/ .lastedit {display: none;} /* Фон окна репутации*/ #pun-report .inner, #pun-reputation .inner {width: 900px !important; background-image: url("https://forumstatic.ru/files/0014/5e/8f/58357.png"); display: none; position: fixed; left: 50%; top: 50%; margin: -135px 0 0 -384px; width: 768px; z-index: 100; box-shadow: 0 0 40px #302b32; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 40px #302b32; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 40px #302b32; -khtml-box-shadow: 0 0 40px #302b32; }